HubSpot solutions

Bespoke HubSpot Strategies

As a HubSpot Solutions Partner, Clear Click offer bespoke audits, customer onboarding, and ongoing support to grow your business.

Get the most from your HubSpot account with
support from a certified solutions partner

Maximise HubSpot's potential for your business

Streamlined Operations

HubSpot centralises various functions like marketing, sales, and customer service, streamlining processes and increasing overall efficiency.

First-Party Data

Gain valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviours with HubSpot’s first-party data, enabling you to tailor your strategies effectively.

Enhance Customer Engagement

Foster customer loyalty and drive growth with personalised interactions, targeted campaigns, and timely responses facilitated by HubSpot’s CRM.

Tailored Automation

Automate repetitive tasks and workflows with HubSpot, saving time and resources while ensuring consistent and timely customer communication.

Comprehensive services tailored for your business challenges

HubSpot Onboarding

We guide you in the set up your HubSpot hubs, ensuring a smooth start.

HubSpot Implementation

Providing the complete implementation of HubSpot, tailored to your business requirements.

HubSpot Managed Services

Ongoing support to customise HubSpot according to your specific use cases.

HubSpot CRM Migration & Integrations

Seamless migration of your existing CRM to HubSpot, ensuring all integrations are intact.

Leading your HubSpot transformation journey

We craft bespoke CRM roadmaps tailored to your unique objectives, challenges, and aspirations, ensuring your HubSpot solution becomes a strategic asset that drives your success.

Step 1
Discovery & Needs Analysis
Step 2
Strategy & Design
Step 3
Customisation & Implementation
Step 4
Data Migration & Training

Pricing plan for all use cases

Unlock expert support for HubSpot Starter, Pro, and Enterprise Hubs.

Starter Hubs
Starts at
One time
Full Technical Setup
Dedicated HubSpot Specialist
Website Integration & Lead Tracking
Branding Set-up
Contact Data Migration
GDPR and Email Subscription Setup
Contact Clear-Click Team
Pro Hubs
Starts at
One time
All The Features of Starter +
1 x On-boarding Workshop
Custom Data Migration
1x Email Template
2x Custom Deal Pipelines
2x Custom Sequences
2x Custom Workflows
Contact Clear-Click Team
Enterprise Hubs
Starts at
One time
All The Features of Starter & Pro +
3 x On-boarding Workshops
1 x Half Day Dedicated HubSpot Training
1x Half Day Workshop of Your Choice:
- Sales hub
- Marketing hub
- Service hub
Contact Clear-Click Team
One time
A Historical High-level Health Check of Your Account
Analysis of Account Opportunities and Weaknesses
Producing Your Conversion Rate Funnel
Evaluation of Current Reporting
Implementation Roadmap

HubSpot Audit
and Report

Our approach involves crafting tailored CRM roadmaps aligned with your specific objectives, challenges, and aspirations, ensuring that your CRM solution becomes a strategic asset driving your success.

Contact Clear-Click Team
Contact Clear-Click Team

Unlock expert support for HubSpot Starter, Pro, and Enterprise Hubs.

One time project
Minimum commitment 6 months
10 Hours of dedicated HubSpot Specialist support
6-month Roadmap Aligned With Your Goals and Objectives
Monthly Catch-up Call
Contact Clear-Click Team
Premium ongoing consulting
Minimum commitment 12 months
40 Hours of Dedicated HubSpot Specialist Support
12-month Roadmap Aligned With Your Goals and Objectives
Weekly Catch-up Call
Quarterly HubSpot Account Audit
1x Half day Workshop of Your Choice:
- Sales Hub
- Marketing Hub
- Service Hub
Contact Clear-Click Team

Discover our latestCRM articles

Amelia Aston
10 Benefits of Hubspot CRM for Small Businesses
September 11, 2022
• 4 min read

Managing your relationships with your leads and customers can be tricky. In order to build stronger relationships and close more deals, you need to know your audience well. Enter data analytics and CRM systems. 

Robust data is what will allow you to offer the best possible service to your leads and customers and assess the success of your marketing team's efforts. A CRM will help you gather and store this information and automate more menial tasks. Read on to discover how your small to medium size business could benefit from a CRM as well as why we always recommend the Hubspot CRM software to our clients.

What is a CRM

A CRM, or a Customer Relationship Management system, is a central location that allows you to track and store data about your customers and prospects in order to streamline your sales and inbound marketing. It helps you keep all data about your customers and prospects in one place and automate the more menial tasks in your marketing and sales process.

Benefits of a CRM system

There are a vast number of benefits associated with CRM for businesses of all sizes. Here are just a few:

1. It improves customer satisfaction 

With CRM software, you’ll be able to see a customer’s full history with you, allowing you to easily personalise your service to them for the best possible experience.

2. Keep the whole team on the same page 

With all prospect or customer information at your fingertips, it’s also easy for everyone on your sales and marketing team to provide the same great level of service.

3. Automate data entry

As a CRM automatically logs things like emails and calls, you save time recording these and can spend it on more valuable things.

4. Be reminded when it’s time to follow up

 Lead nurturing can be a long and complicated process. A CRM helps to automate this process, sending follow-up emails on your behalf, giving you an alert when it’s time for a call, and logging all interactions you have with your lead.

5. Keep everything in one place

 A CRM system means you can say goodbye to endless spreadsheets that you forget to update. Everything you need to know about your leads and customers will live in one easily searchable database.

6. It grows with your business 

When you’re just starting out and have a small team, it might feel easy enough to track and store data about your customers through a number of different apps and spreadsheets. However, a system like this isn’t scalable, and will soon start to limit you. A CRM will grow with your business and saves you a lot of time finding and importing your data to a CRM later down the line.

Why choose Hubspot’s CRM Software

7. Free to use

Especially for small businesses, it can be hard to justify another subscription. Luckily, Hubspot CRM is free to use for an unlimited length of time. 

Many CRM platforms offer free light versions of their products, but these are usually very limited in their capabilities. Not so with Hubspot. While Hubspot does offer a premium version of its CRM, the free version packs a hefty punch. 

You can store up to a million contacts and have an unlimited number of users from your team linked to your account with the free version. Some of Hubspot’s more powerful sales automation tools are exclusive to the premium version. With the free version, you only get access to five email templates, five snippets, and five documents, as well as one meeting scheduling link.

However, the free version should be plenty for small businesses to start with. 

8. Easy and intuitive to use

Hubspot users consistently praise its CRM system for its ease of use. For one thing, it eliminates the need to search through a bunch of spreadsheets that are only accurate as long your team is vigilant about updating them. Everything you need to know about any single contact is on the same, searchable database. 

Hubspot has also built its software to be as intuitive as possible, and many people will be able to feel like a pro navigating through the software on their first day.

The Hubspot Community can help answer any questions you might have, while the Hubspot Academy can also help you get to grips with more advanced features.

9.  Integrate it with other tools

You can integrate Hubspot CRM with a huge number of popular apps like Gmail, Outlook, WordPress, Zapier, Mailchimp and much, much more. 

Hubspot itself offers a number of other great free tools to improve your sales and marketing. They offer email marketing, content management, and landing pages, just to mention a few things. You can also track metrics around your ads and link Hubspot with your company’s social media accounts in order to capture data on direct messages, followers, likes and shares.

Hubspot also has a great, beginner-friendly online academy for brushing up your sales and marketing skills, all for free.

10. Access detailed analytics

Hubspot allows you to track many things about your leads and customers, including website visits and traffic sources. It even offers a free A/B testing kit.

Hubspot lets you get very granular with your audience segmentation. You can, for example, easily filter your contacts to find people who were ready to buy a while back but then went quiet. You can then send these contacts a targeted email with a special discount to encourage them to come back. 

Hubspot contextualises your data and offers actionable insights for improving your sales and marketing strategies. You’ll be able to recognise patterns and cycles within our sales pipeline and find ways to balance things out.

Alistair Mains
Choosing the Right CRM Software for Your Business
• 4 min read

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is pivotal in enhancing efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction in today's fast-paced business world. Selecting the right CRM software can be a transformative decision for your business.

This complete guide delves into the key factors you should consider when making this critical choice, exploring various aspects of CRM solutions, implementations, and features. We'll also touch on the selection process, customer data management, and how to streamline your sales process using CRM. So, without further ado, let's embark on this journey to help you make an informed choice that aligns seamlessly with your business objectives.

What is CRM Software?

CRM software is a technological solution meticulously crafted to streamline customer relationship management activities. It is a central hub for storing and managing customer data, interactions, and communication. CRM systems offer invaluable insights, empowering businesses to build stronger, more personalised customer relationships, driving growth and profitability.

Why is CRM Software So Essential?

CRM software equips businesses with the tools to understand their customers better, anticipate their needs, and provide tailored experiences. It enhances customer engagement, facilitates efficient sales and marketing, supports data-driven decision-making, improves customer service, and adapts seamlessly to your business's growth by handling increasing customer data and interactions.

Industries Benefiting Most From CRM

CRM software isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; it's a versatile tool that can significantly benefit various businesses. Here, we'll focus on the top four industries where CRM has a substantial impact on our clients' businesses:

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

SMEs often operate with limited resources and need cost-effective solutions to manage customer relationships, track leads, and streamline sales processes. CRM software like HubSpot CRM offers an affordable and scalable option.

Sales-Driven Organisations

Certain businesses, such as housing developers, insurance firms, and retail companies, rely heavily on sales. They require efficient tools to manage leads and sales pipelines. CRM enables sales teams to collaborate more effectively.

E-commerce Businesses

E-commerce companies thrive on understanding customer behaviour and providing personalised experiences. CRM helps them manage customer data, create targeted marketing campaigns, and increase customer loyalty.

Service-Based Industries

Service-oriented businesses, such as Software as a Service (SaaS) providers, law firms, and healthcare providers, rely heavily on client relationships and appointments. CRM systems help manage client databases and improve communication.

Key Factors for CRM Software Selection

Selecting the right CRM software is a pivotal decision for your business, and it requires careful consideration of several crucial factors. Here, we will delve into these factors to guide you through the process effectively:

1. Defining Your Objectives

The first step in choosing the right CRM software is clearly defining your business objectives. What do you aim to achieve with CRM software? Are you looking to increase sales, enhance customer service, streamline marketing efforts, or accomplish these goals? A precise understanding of your objectives is the cornerstone of a successful CRM selection process.

When defining your objectives, consider both short-term and long-term goals. This clarity will guide you towards a CRM solution that aligns seamlessly with your business strategy.

2. User-Friendliness

Opt for a user-friendly CRM system that your team can readily adopt. User adoption is critical to the success of any CRM implementation. Look for software that offers an intuitive interface and provides comprehensive training resources.

HubSpot CRM is an excellent example of a user-friendly system. Its intuitive design and user-centric approach make it easy for your team to get on board swiftly. Additionally, HubSpot offers extensive training materials and support to ensure that your team is well-equipped to leverage the CRM effectively.

3. Scalability

Your business is not static; it's bound to grow and evolve. Therefore, choosing a CRM system that can scale alongside your business is imperative. As your business expands, so will your customer data, interactions, and demands. Ensure your selected CRM can handle this growth without compromising performance or data integrity.

A scalable CRM, such as HubSpot CRM, is designed to grow with your business seamlessly. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, HubSpot CRM can adapt to your evolving needs, ensuring that your CRM remains a valuable asset, not a limitation.

4. Integration Capabilities

Modern businesses rely on many tools and software to manage their operations. To enhance workflow efficiency, your CRM must integrate seamlessly with your tech stack's other business tools and software. Integration capabilities are essential for ensuring that data flows seamlessly between systems and that your team doesn't have to perform redundant tasks.

When evaluating CRM options, check whether they offer robust integration capabilities. A CRM like HubSpot CRM boasts many integrations with popular business tools, enabling you to connect your CRM with your email marketing software, customer support system, analytics tools, and more. This integration prowess ensures that your CRM becomes a central hub for customer-related activities.

5. Customisation Options

Every business has unique requirements and processes. Therefore, choosing a CRM software that allows customisation to adapt to your specific workflows is vital. The ability to tailor the CRM to match your business processes and industry nuances is paramount in ensuring that it enhances productivity rather than imposing rigid structures.

HubSpot CRM and other leading CRM solutions offer customisation options that enable you to configure the software to meet your specific needs. This flexibility ensures that the CRM aligns with your unique business processes, making it a valuable tool rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.

6. Automation and Reporting

Efficient automation and robust reporting capabilities are pivotal features to look for in CRM software. Automation streamlines repetitive tasks, increases efficiency, and allows your team to focus on high-value activities.

Many CRMs excel in this aspect, offering automation tools that help you automate lead nurturing, email marketing, and other critical processes. Additionally, they provide in-depth reporting capabilities that offer valuable insights for informed decision-making. These reports allow you to track key performance metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve customer relationships and overall business strategy.

7. Cost Considerations

Budget constraints are a reality for businesses of all sizes. When selecting CRM software, evaluating the total cost of ownership is crucial. This includes licensing fees, training costs, and ongoing support expenses.

HubSpot CRM stands out as an excellent choice in terms of cost-effectiveness. It offers a feature-rich free version perfect for startups and SMEs looking to start without a significant financial investment. As your business grows, HubSpot CRM's scalability ensures that you can upgrade to paid plans that align with your evolving needs, all while keeping costs under control.

In conclusion, choosing the right CRM software is a strategic decision that should align with your business objectives, enhance user adoption, accommodate scalability, support integration with your tech stack, offer customisation options, automate tasks, provide robust reporting, and be cost-effective. Carefully considering these key factors will empower your business to thrive and excel in customer relationship management.

CRM Implementations

Implementing CRM software is essential for improving customer relationships and enhancing productivity. To ensure a successful CRM implementation, consider these key factors:

Choose the Right CRM

Select a CRM system that fits your needs, whether it's a flexible cloud-based solution or an on-premises system for more control.

Explore Free Trials

Use free trials to test the CRM's compatibility with your workflow and existing systems. Involve your team to gather valuable feedback.

Embrace Mobility

Ensure the CRM works seamlessly on mobile devices, offering mobile apps and responsive web interfaces for on-the-go accessibility.

Hubspot mobile App

Effective Contact Management

Opt for a CRM with robust contact management capabilities, allowing you to store detailed customer information and customise data fields to meet your needs.

Streamline Sales Processes

Look for features that simplify your sales processes, such as lead management, automation, analytics, and forecasting.

Cloud-Based Advantages

Consider a cloud-based CRM for its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and easy data access. This enhances team collaboration and overall productivity.

Implementing CRM should enhance your business operations, improve customer interactions, and make your work more efficient without overwhelming your team with complexity.

CRM Selection Process

Selecting the right CRM software is crucial for your business. To make an informed choice that aligns with your needs, follow these steps:

Define Your Requirements

Begin with a clear understanding of your business needs:

  • Business Objectives: Determine if you want to boost sales, enhance customer service, streamline marketing, or combine.
  • User Roles: Identify the roles and responsibilities of your team members.
  • Data Needs: Assess the type of data you need to manage and how it integrates with your existing systems.
  • Scalability: Ensure the CRM can grow with your business.

Creating a checklist of requirements will be your reference point.

Research and Compare

Research different CRM solutions:

  • Market Research: Identify CRM solutions suitable for your industry and business size.
  • Feature Comparison: Compare features like contact management, automation, and integration capabilities.
  • Pricing Evaluation: Understand the cost structure within your budget.
  • Customer Reviews: Read customer feedback.

Request Demos

Many CRM vendors offer demos. Make the most of them:

  • Prepare Questions: Prepare questions relevant to your business.
  • Live Interaction: Request live demos for real-time exploration.
  • User Engagement: Involve key team members for their feedback.
  • Customisation and Integration: Discuss customisation and integration options.

Demos help you assess how well the CRM suits your needs.

User Interface

Consider the CRM's user interface (UI):

  • Intuitiveness: Ensure it's user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Customisability: Check if you can tailor the UI to your team's preferences.
  • Accessibility: Confirm its usability across various devices.
  • Training and Support: Inquire about training resources and customer support.

A well-designed UI enhances user adoption and integration into your business operations.

By following these steps and evaluating CRM solutions based on your requirements, features, demos, and UI, you can confidently select CRM software that elevates customer relationship management.

CRM Solutions and Vendors

Selecting the right CRM software is a significant decision for your business, and it often involves considering various solutions and vendors. Let's take a closer look at some of the prominent CRM options available in the market:

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM is a popular choice for businesses, especially startups and small businesses. Here's why it stands out:

  • Comprehensive Free Version: HubSpot CRM offers a feature-rich free version ideal for startups and small businesses looking to start without a substantial financial investment. This free version includes essential CRM functionality, making it accessible to companies with limited budgets.
  • User-Friendly Interface: HubSpot CRM is known for its user-friendly interface. Its intuitive design ensures quick adoption across your team, reducing the learning curve associated with new software.
  • Seamless Scalability: As your business grows, your CRM needs will evolve. HubSpot CRM is designed for seamless scalability, accommodating your changing needs without compromising performance. This means you can start with the free version and seamlessly transition to more advanced plans as your business expands.
  • Integration Ecosystem: HubSpot offers many integrations, connecting seamlessly with popular business tools. Whether you use email marketing software, customer support systems, or analytics platforms, HubSpot CRM can integrate with these tools, creating a cohesive and efficient workflow.
  • Automation Tools: Automation is a crucial feature of HubSpot CRM. It provides powerful automation tools that streamline your marketing, sales, and customer service processes. Automate repetitive tasks, such as email follow-ups and lead nurturing, to save time and increase efficiency.
  • In-Depth Reporting: Informed decision-making is critical in business. HubSpot CRM offers in-depth reporting capabilities that provide valuable insights into your sales and marketing efforts. Monitor key performance metrics, track lead progress, and identify areas for improvement.

HubSpot CRM's combination of a free version, user-friendly design, scalability, integration options, automation tools, and robust reporting makes it a compelling choice, particularly for startups and small businesses looking to enhance customer relationship management.

Salesforce CRM

Salesforce CRM is a renowned solution for its extensive customisation options and scalability. Here's why it's a strong contender:

  • Robust Customisation: Salesforce is recognised for its extensive customisation capabilities. It allows you to adapt the CRM to your unique business requirements, processes, and industry nuances. This flexibility ensures that the CRM aligns seamlessly with your specific needs.
  • Suitable for Businesses of All Sizes: Salesforce is versatile and suits businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Salesforce can be tailored to your organisation's needs, whether you're just starting or managing a complex operation.
  • Integration Powerhouse: Salesforce offers an extensive marketplace of integrations. This allows you to connect seamlessly with your existing tools and systems, ensuring data flows efficiently across your tech stack. Integration with popular platforms like Microsoft Office, Gmail, and Dropbox is readily available.

Salesforce's strength lies in its adaptability and versatility. Its robust customisation options, scalability, and integration capabilities make it a valuable choice for businesses looking for a CRM solution that can grow with them.

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is a cost-effective solution with advanced automation capabilities and AI-driven insights. Here's why it's worth considering:

  • Affordability: Zoho CRM provides budget-friendly plans without sacrificing essential features. This affordability makes it an attractive option for businesses seeking a cost-effective CRM solution.
  • Advanced Automation: Automation is a core feature of Zoho CRM. It offers advanced automation capabilities that can streamline your sales and marketing processes. Automate lead nurturing, email campaigns, and task assignments to improve efficiency.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Zoho's AI assistant, Zia, provides valuable insights and predictions to guide decision-making. It can help you identify trends, forecast sales, and make data-driven decisions to enhance customer relationships.

Zoho CRM's combination of affordability, advanced automation, and AI-driven insights makes it a competitive choice for businesses looking to enhance their CRM capabilities without exceeding their budget.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right CRM software is a strategic decision that can transform how you engage with customers, streamline operations, and drive growth. By understanding your business objectives, considering key factors, and exploring options like HubSpot CRM, you can make a well-informed choice that empowers your business to thrive.